
Saturday 26 September 2009

Friday 25 September 2009

worth RM4k+

Today: Estimated Worth $1175.3 USD
Perhaps I could get myself a Giant full-sus frame with the money. And then start another bike blog.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Mellow Johnny's Bike Shop

Even if it's not Lance Armstrong's, it is still a cool bike shop. But then again, there are lots of Lance's memoribilia strewn all over the place, giving out the cool factor. What I mean to say is that, it's more than a bike shop.
The name itself is unique - Mellow Johnny's is based on 'maillot jaune', or yellow jersey for you and me. The bike shop was opened since May 10th 2008. There's a rhyme to all three - well, you'd figure that out already.
Other than the usual bikes and stuff for sale and the normal bike servicing offered by bike shops, there's also a café, bikes for rent, and what I like most: commuter hub. That, in itself, makes the place a spot where you feel you belong to.
Wish we have such a place here in Pasir Gudang. I'll put in an area for solat, too.

photos taken from here and here, retrieved today.

Friday 18 September 2009

itchy bottom

Received a package from Changlun two days ago.
The contents:
·         A koala bear
·         A Hari Raya Aidilfitri greeting card
·         A cycling apparel
The koala bear is a miniature keyring, actually.
The card is my first ever I received for this year’s Eid. A very thoughtful gesture by Gjoe, during this cyber-age when everyone (including me) sends e-cards for the sake of convenience (and cheap, mind you).
Ahh… and the pièce de résistance (drum rolls, please): a pair of Netti Equaliser cycling shorts.
I tried them on straight away (okay, after reading the Raya card). First of all, Gjoe got my size right, an M. You can sense its quality make, visually and by touch. The fabric feels nice, and the padded shorts inside are not too tight. The coolmax padding looks the part. The colour is charcoal – black, for you and me – quite a safe pick, I loved it right away. I paraded in it for a while in my room to get the feel, and suddenly I felt itchy on my bottom. Itching to try it on the saddle offroad, that is.
Hmm… soon, after Hari Raya, insyaAllah. I hope the shorts will still fit me after rendang, ketupat, lemang and all the usual fatty festive food.
Meanwhile, have a safe Hari Raya to all of you.
To Gjoe (I know you’re reading this), thanks very much, man. You’re simply generous.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Ride Safely on the Road

1.       Sergeant Major Azhar of IPD Seri Alam gave a talk on a Friday morning during our safety talk session.
2.       He pointed out that it is estimated about 5,000 to 25,000 vehicles are travelling along the Pasir Gudang Highway between 6:00am and 9:00am (on a normal day, I guess).
3.       That fact sent shiver to my spine. Never again will I ride along the highway during peak hours in the morning for my RTW.
4.       I did it a few times, during my initial RTW days. After that I resorted to much safer routes. However, with the ever increasing number of vehicles coming into my workplace, it seems that the ‘safer’ route I’m using won’t be so any longer. Need to search for alternatives.
5.       Two days ago, a fatal accident happened involving a cyclist at the junction in front of my workplace, off the Pasir Gudang Highway.
6.       I would not put the photo of the victim, although it is not quite gory. Suffice to say that there’s a stream of blood from his head, on the road. However, the photo above is of the other party of the accident – the car.
7.       I don’t have enough facts of the accident, but that doesn’t matter for this entry. I don’t know whether the victim survives, or not; I don’t know what’s the full story is, but I know that the victim is not Malaysian. And he didn’t wear a helmet.
8.       Wear your helmets when you’re cycling – it may save your life, or reduce the impact of an accident.
9.       And don’t use the highway, especially during peak hours. Find alternatives, even though it would mean a longer route. You’ll benefit from the extra workout.
10.   Be safe. Stay alive.

! Update - Gopeng Peanut Search - new date: 15.11.2009

Looks like y’all won’t have to rush from Gopeng to Melaka on the 24th October 2009 after all.
GPS is now postponed to a new date:
15th November 2009

So now you can participate in both events to your hearts’ content.
Oh, and look at the event sponsors, too. Cool…

Check it out:
Media Release – 15th September 2009

Due to many requests by our members, Nomad Adventure is postponing GPS (Gopeng Peanut Search) to 15th Nov 2009 (Sun). Please take note of the changes in the closing dates for submission of participation form and also GPS name-play contest:

  • Early bird entry fee - 16th Oct (Fri)
  • Closing date for entry – 31st Oct (Sat)
  • Closing date for GPS quirky name-play contest – 16th Oct (Fri) 
On this note, we would also like to welcome our Official Sponsors for GPS : TEVA, Redbull and Corezone. More event sponsors are in the pipe-line – so tune in for more updates.

Next updates will include event trail info – we are very excited about all the wonderful new trails found around Gopeng area. Plenty of challenging trails leading into the mountain range east of Gopeng, and also scenic routes around the ex-mining pools of Kinta Valley.

For more information:
Contact person – Wye Yim
Office Number – 03 7958 5152
Handphone – 012 233 4717

Monday 14 September 2009

GPS (Gopeng Peanut Search) | 24th October 2009 (and ECC Malacca's NR Jamboree 2009)

What: Gopeng Peanut Search – orienteering on a bike
When: 24th Oct 2009 (Saturday), 10 am – 3 pm
Where: Earth Camp, Gopeng, Perak
Early bird discount (by 30th Sept 2009): RM40
Normal entry (1st - 16th Oct 2009): RM50
Get more info and download your entry forms from the GPS link above.
Cool stuff, I might say. I did a few orienteering with JBS WP during my teen years in their numerous Kem Cuti Sekolah. Those were on foot. Nowadays, being an avid biker, this looks interesting.
However, I might not be participating, as it is held up north in Gopeng, Perak. Plus, my riding permit for this year is suspended by the missus, following Umar’s birth.
It’s been many, many years since I used an orienteering compass. Not sure if I can still remember how to use it, plus the map.
Sour grapes? Of course.
Note that there’s another mountain biking event (and history) taking place during the same weekend:
Well, it’s going to start at night, by the way.
See if you can participate both events. You might not want to miss out Malaysia’s first mtb NR Jamboree, too, right?

Sunday 6 September 2009

kayuhan dua hari

hari ketama - sabtu 05.09.09

kitorang makan buka puasa buffet style kat Taman Rinting - Is Hazara.
aku belum ada kayuh lagi, semenjak PCC Prez Ride kat Kajang aritu (baca: beskal masih belum dibasuh). kaki gatal, dan aku yakin ramai yang lain pun kaki dah tahap nak berkudis dek tak berkayuh.
maka, aku pun cadangkan kat diorang: 'malam ni kita kayuh kat bandar jb jom'.
aku tau, yang bujang2 sure tak tolak punya. Kadafi, Yad, Aaron, Tulang & Amirul on terus...
lagipun, esoknya hari Ahad, maka yang dah berbini sure takde hal sangat. Atuk, Panjang (mintak lesen kat wifey on the spot, dan dapat serta-merta), termasuk la si Borhan, Khaire Mohamed dan EG (dipaksa oleh Panjang) pun on jugak.

malam tu, janji jumpa kat RV tempat yang dulu - kat parking lot pasir kat river cruise tu.
patutnya 10:30 kat sana, tapi aku sendiri 10:30 baru nak gerak. err... pasal Yad datang rumah aku lambat... Atuk kata, 10:32 dia dah ada kat situ dah. respek gila... disiplin macam omputeh. anyway, aku rasa aku ngan Yad paling lambat sampai kot. iye lah, jam kat danga tu lagi, dengan khemah punya laa banyak umat dok bersoping untuk raya.

aku tak check pun pukul berapa kitorang start rolling. format kayuhan santai, apa nak kira sangat. 11 pengayuh mula mengayuh dalam pukul 11 lebih.

dari danga bay tu kitorang lintas ikut suka ke istana bukit serene. aku suka naik kat situ, takde banyak keta, dan terasa sejuk malam bila kayuh. dan, bila belok ke kg mohd. amin, ada downhill yang best. cuma bila nak penghujung tu akan sentiasa disergah oleh anjing kat rumah belah kiri. dari belakang aku gelak puas2 bila Yad kena sergah. huah huah...

lepas tu kitorang naik bukit ke nong chik. sedih aku nengok rumah gomen kat situ dah kena kosongkan. tu kira area Ayah tu, masa dia sekolah kat jb suatu masa dulu. lepas tu, aku ngan Kadafi dok teka2 jalan mana yang patut diambik untuk layan turun bukit sambil kona kona. Jalan Petri? Jalan Abdul Samad? Panjang dah suggest jalan petri, tapi aku dengan konfidennya rasa kena ikut jalan abdul samad. maka beramai-ramai layan jalan abdul samad. eeiihhhh... apesal macam pendek dan tak best je turun bukit? salah jalan rupanya. patutnya amik jalan petri. takpe, laen kali aje lah nampaknya.

hala ke arah hutan bandar, kitorang amik kiri kat simpang empat kat situ - arah ke landmark mall melalui skolah sigs, star dan saujana (rumah menteri besar). saja je aku plan lalu kat situ. tak banyak keta, dan aku rasa tak ramai yg penah lalu kat situ (atau tau wujudnya tempat tu pun). hasrat aku, untuk layan keadaan kat area tu. tapi, budak2 ni bila dah dapat turun bukit, apa nak kira pemandangan ke hapa... bedesup turun sekor2. lantak le. stop kejap kat landmark mall, pastu ke stulang laut melalui ring road - panjat kat sebelah danga city mall tu. habis kayuhan hari ketama, maka tibalah hari kedua.

hari kedua - ahad 06.09.09

dah sampai stulang laut, lepak jap kat tepi laut sambil kunyah tauhu bakar. sedap gak tauhu bakar brader ni. tambah sedap sebab EG yang belanja. dah lepas tu, kayuh terus menuju ke 'uptown jb'. aku dah penah lalu ikut short cut kat menara sarawak/blue wave hotel, maka aku lead lah rider2 lain ke sana, siap naik tangga, turun tangga. off saddle, jalan2 tengok barang old skool kat pasar tengah malam tu. menarik... aku hampir terbeli sarung tangan muslimah bercetak tattoo.

macam biasa, kitorang berenti makan kat mamak kat jalan duke tu. aku dah start ngantuk dah, espesyeli lepas dah melantak mi goreng basah. tak basah sangat, tapi aku taknak komplen lah, mau kena simbah ngan sebaldi air pulak kang. alah.. lagipun dah lapar setelah sehari berkayuh kan... bedal aje le.

dah isi perut, kayuh balik ke danga bay ikut tepi laut. santai, sambil layan perut bergelodak dengan sahur bahagian pertama tadi. peloton aku ada 4-5 orang sebaris kayuh rilek2. angin pun boleh tahan jugak kuatnya. tapi aku tak rasa sangat, pasal aku dok follow Panjang yang kat depan aku. alih-alih, dalam 2 km nak habis route tu tetiba je Yad ke depan tarik kitorang, speeding. takkan aku nak tinggal sorang2 layan headwind kan. maka aku pun power up je lah, layankan ekselerasi tu. amik kau... sampai kat parking lot tu mencungap-cungap sekor2. yang si Yad pulak, lepas dia tarik tu dia ke belakang balik. hampeh... penat gile.

maka berakhirlah kayuhan 2 hari, pada lebih kurang pukul 2 pagi (kot).

kayuhan agak puas lah. sebab masing2 semua dah gian nak kayuh. kayuhan tak dirancang, tapi sambutan bagus - tak berapa ramai, dan tak jugak sikit. aku tertinggal 2 nama malam tu. patutnya ajak Helmy ngan Malik sekali. mintak maaf la bros, kayuhan tak dirancang.

tiada gambar diambil oleh penulis kerna kamera tidak dibawa demi untuk meringankan beban semasa berkayuh.