
Monday, 19 January 2009

RTW 16.01.2009 + night ride

Anticipating extended working hours, I packed an extra headlight unit as a preparation for a night ride going back home from work last Friday. Usually I would only use my Cateye headlight in blinking mode if riding during the day.

It is good to be prepared and ready. It eliminates the irritating feeling of being uneasy. On the other hand, if you're caught off guard, there are always other alternatives that can be explored and you can put your creative thinking cap on (mine is dusty... uhuk uhuk...).

The ride home was uneventful. From the many night rides, I gathered some valuable experiences, and that particular ride was like a normal one. Still, I'm recording it here as my first getting home from work riding a bike at night.

I'm getting a pair of tire reflectors (the one that you put on the spokes) and pack it in my bag just in case if I do have to ride home at night again. Oh, and a tube valve LED light too... just for the fun of it.

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