Panjang organised a ride on christmas day.
Again, I pedaled to Café Ruza - very early in the morning. Started from Seri Alam at 7.05 am and rode 9.5 km to Taman Scientex in Pasir Gudang. Took me only 25 minutes to get there. I guess the forced uphill sprint before Taman Cendana traffic light helped with the time taken - chased by two dogs. Turned out that I was the only person there at 7.30 am (the rv time). Something that we riders need to improve on. Anyway, the thing with pedaling to a meeting point or to work is that I have to be more disciplined, time-wise. I guess if I were to get there by car, the story is all the same - lateness.
custom made stainless steel rear carrier. contact 661. eh, no... contact Ipin.
my Bianchi, pictured with Jai and his KHS XC604 beskal with saksoba.
There were 13 riders altogether gathered at CR. 12 who actually joined the ride and the other one is Jo who came by to get his b'fast before going to work. Ipin mentioned that there are two more riders waiting at Seri Alam. Turns out that they are from my housing area. Whaddaya know. You can find mountain bikers everywhere. That's a good sign.
9.15 am and we started rolling. Out towards Nusa Damai and through a palm oil plantation to get to Seri Alam. My neighbours Hairul and Amir have been waiting for quite some time. After a brief introduction, we went offroad.
start rolling 0915 hrs
cut through towards Seri Alam, and greeted by an uphill
Seri Alam. Hairul and Amir (sponsored by Celcom) joined the group.
the downhill reward after the Bukit Anjing uphill
one for the album. neighbours in the woods - Akmal, Amir, Hairul.
at a crossroad - go up and enjoy the downhill, or just go down halfway instead?
downhill at the crossroad
mountain biking is healthy. we ride, socialize, enjoy fresh air of nature and...
...we play badminton too!
Mashi Maro stop
yard well kept, neat and tidy
Jai's big fat muddy tires - 3.3 front, 2.7 rear
Atuk and his Kona Coilair with Fox Float R saksoba.
EG in eksen.
wonder what they are doing...
Some of the places we went through:
Seri Alam
Bukit Anjing
Rock Garden
Indon hut with badminton court
Mashi Maro - my favourite place for its neatness. Jai's favourite place for a completely different reason.
Flora Heights - exit, and on road back home to Seri Alam.
The weather was nice, overcast all throughout the ride. Not that tiring, and very enjoyable for me.
Distance: 20 km (another 15.5 km on road total for me)
fuh menarik tempat ride korang.. ermm ada jugak nexus rider..kaler biru xenic tu.. sampaikan salam kat dia.. fuh bangga sih ada geng nexus hehe :)
Geng Nexus tu Hairul namanya - pakai baju Celcom no 8. Jiran aku tu.
Kau turun JB, boleh kitorang bawak ride sini sekali.
waalaikummusalam bro...
kawan baru belajar kayuh bro...
cayalah korang.aku ingat seri alam mana tadi.rupanya seri alam kat pasir gudang.mmg team kami nak redah track ni.cuma xde yg tau jalan.insyaAllah...kalau ada rezeki,sampai jugak kitaorang kat sana nanti.btw...aku pun pakai nexus xenic biru.wakakakaka.teruskan mengayuh dan explore track2 offroad baru.
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