3 Ramadhan 1432H
58.5km/h down the bend at Taman Bukit Dahlia on the way home
Is commuting during Ramadhan possible?
Definitely. I mean, why not? Bangladeshi bros are doing it, right?
The first week or Ramadhan, I did RTW as usual, except for Friday. The first 2 days were a bit wobbly, but perhaps due to personal reasons - I was deprived of sleep and rest due to travelling to Senawang during the weekend. Yesterday was remarkably lively and energetic, but I don't know why. Perhaps the month of Ramadhan itself which contains blessings and all.
Anyway, what I can share with you is that my rides are like normal, except for a few things. The bike is definitely lighter by about 800g, for I don't carry water bottle on the downtube. The rear bag is also a bit lighter by about 400g due to absence of packed breakfast.
The time of day plays a crucial role in making RTW in Ramadhan possible. I go to work at around 7.00am, and cycle home at about 6.00pm. No sun in sight. Well, at least not as hot as the 10.00am sun. It's breezy, and for the past few days, it has been raining at about 2-3pm leaving the rest of the afternoon somewhat overcast. Alhamdulillah.
I intend to continue with my weeklong streaks and perhaps not too unrealistic to go for the 2nd monthlong insyaAllah. But, the definition would be altered a bit. I won't be doing RTW on Fridays.
Have a good ride, and a blessed Ramadhan throughout.
Ibadah harder, bros and sis.