akmal's bike park

akmal's bike park

Monday 8 August 2011

Have MTB, can go to University

For real?
Riding your bike, of course.
The trend is like that, of recent years. Well, it started a couple of years back, with jamborees/races in the northern region held in universities.
To name a few that I know of:
USM Transkrian - Nibong Tebal MTB Adventure (NTMTBA)
UTP Tronoh - Seri Iskandar MTB Exploration (well, part of the checkpoint)
UNiKL Kulim (MSI) - Kulim Int'l MTB Jamboree (okay, only during the registration day)
UTM Skudai - Giant-UTM MTB Quest
Nottingham University Malaysia - PCC Presidential Ride
There are also a couple more that I know of in the pipeline for 2011, to be held in these universities:
UKM Bangi - Konvo LeRun MTB Mini Jamboree
UTeM Durian Tunggal - Burung Hantu Night Ride Jamboree
Are there any event I left out?
Ride safe, people.
Ramadhan Kareem
itulah pentingnya mtb edukesyenn...


Mat_Yoe said...

Tambah lagi satu : UMT mtb Jamboree kat Terengganu. Link: http://mtbjamboree2011.umt.edu.my/index.html

MTB edukesyen?haha...

Selamat berpuasa.

Anonymous said...

8.10.2011 - UMT (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu) Jamboree MTB.

Jon 9W2ACY said...

UMT mountainbike jamboree

akmalhizam said...

Mat_Yoe, Anon., Jon RL: haa... betul. Pastu ada jugak kat UMK, 16/09/2011 http://umk.edu.my (aku tak tau pun wujudnya UMK ni).

akmalhizam said...

Yang ini menarik juga ni:
Ride on 8th Oct (Sat), fee RM50, hostel RM25.