akmal's bike park

akmal's bike park

Wednesday 23 June 2010

RTW 22.06.2010 - 24.7 on knobbies

Following the 26 km/h average speed that I hit last Thu, I intended to see how far I could push with *knobbies.
After the offroad ride in Seri Alam on Sunday, I finally took some time to clean (yes, wash) the bike so that it'll look nice in the house and perhaps shave off some weight. I have already saved a few hundred grams for having the frame unpainted, by the way (only realised about this yesterday evening). Anyway, a clean bike and properly lubed drivetrain are ingredients of a joyful ride. No annoying squeaks, just smooth pedaling.
I left the knobbies intact, foreseeing that I need the resistance for my RTW as a way to train for this weekend's KLMBH Epic Bash in the Ulus (Rening, Tamu) - Ampang Pecah - Batang Kali. 
Again, I set my meter to show the average speed on the display. I set in my heart to have at least 25 km/h average speed that morning.
Right from the word Go! (just a whisper in my heart), I pushed as hard as I can, trying not to rest. All the way I tried not to exert too much in order to avoid my heartbeat drumming so fast. Whenever the urge to coast seeps in, I battled my mental with this question: "you would like to write it as 'I did not rest', do you?".
That worked, and I did not rest.
Okay, I did, but that was while waiting for the traffic light so that doesn't count.
Another crucial point in getting your average speed to be high is having a constant ride. The stops at traffic lights impede the registered speed because you have to slow down to stop, and you'll have a slow restart. In my case that morning, I had to stop at two traffic lights. Luckily the third one after the downhill at Taman Mawar I was greeted with sweet green lights. Couple the high speed rolling and a flat quarter mile, that makes a big average speed gain to offset the losses.
I reached office after 34 minutes of hard training. That's the fastest on knobbies I have logged so far.
I didn't reach my target, but oh yes, the feeling's great.
Will report in here when I reach 25 km/h on knobbies, insyaAllah.
Out from home


Arrive office




Ride time




Ave. speed


Max speed




Good doggies




,road route
*knobbies = Kenda Nevegal 26/2.1 Stick-E wirebead (front and rear)
Thanks for dropping by.
Have a good day!
photo credit: Kenda USA

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