akmal's bike park

akmal's bike park

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Tire Bag

What: Dimpa, transparent storage case from Ikea (I call it the Ikea spare tire bag).
Price: used to be about RM10, at the time of writing it's RM12.90.
1. as a storage bag for spare wheelsets
2. as a storage bag for spare wirebead tires
3. as a cargo bag for wheelsets to put inside the car
Keep your store room neat. Put your wheelsets, rims or tires in the spare tire bag. The size is quite right for a pair of mtb wheelsets, although you may find that at times you would have to squeeze them in a bit.
If you store both your front and rear wheelsets together, you might want to consider putting a rag or foam between them to protect the skewers, cassette and spokes from rubbing each other during handling. Otherwise, you can have dedicated bags for front and rear wheelsets.
If, like me, you prefer to carry your bike in the car rather than using the rear rack, you can use the bag to stow your mud laden wheelsets in the bag and put them on the back seat or in the bonnet. Note that the mud's there not necessarily after offroad ride, it may present before the ride (lazy to wash, from last weekend offroad).
For the bike, perhaps you can use Frakta tarpaulin to put cover your car backseat as a liner.
Alternatively, for the bag, you can get quite the same item from Tesco stores. Look for it on the DIY aisles. Don't be surprised if you find other familiar Ikea items on their racks as well.
photo taken from Ikea Malaysia website

1 comment:

Afrezal Karim said...

Good solutions buddy.. Salutee