akmal's digital depository of his cycling adventure | on road and offroad, on and off the saddle.
akmal's bike park

Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Upcoming event : Kayuhan Mesra Komuniti Bersama PDRM - Plentong 03.07.2011
Saturday, 28 May 2011
SRAM X9 10 speed
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Full July
10/07: KIP Tampoi MTB Ride
17/07: 2011 Muar-Pagoh MTB Challenge
24/07: PCC Presidential Ride
31/07: KLMBH Epic Bike Hash
I'd like to go to a few of them, but it needs a lot of proper planning, and $.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit
Monday, 23 May 2011
Angry Chains - Cycling Events site
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Review: Ibera beam rack with bag
- 31.6mm seatpost is ideal. Reduced swaying, as it is secured quite tight due to the big diameter.
- 27.2mm is okay, but would sway and wobble up and down a little (just a wee bit), due to the thick rubber strip.
- 30.9mm gives the worst sway of all three. Perhaps because the rubber strip provided are either too thin (this one is used) or too thick (can't be used) for 30.9mm seatpost. That being said, it is not that much, as long as the allen bolt is secured very, VERY tight. That's why you have to get yourself the stainless steel bolt.
Friday, 20 May 2011
My account on Wacycles Fun Ride 2011
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Mat Sikal?
Thursday, 12 May 2011
25 Rules of the Trail
25 Rules of the Trail: Commandments of Mountain Biking
There are certain rules every mountain biker should live by on the trail. It's run them down…
- Pay It Forward – Tubes, quick-links, a helping hand. You'll need it one day too.
- You brought it out…you bring it home – No one likes a litterbug. Keep the trail clean.
- Know your role – Fast climber? Get up front. Slow descender? Get in the back.
- Bike worth does not equal biking ability – Everyone loves the latest and greatest…but it doesn't increase skill.
- Be Self Sufficient – Always bring what you need…and sometimes more.
- Know Basic Bike Maintenance – Be able to fix your own flat…
- Treat Other Riders Like You Would Want To Be Treated – No one likes a jackass.
- It's Only A Race If The Other Participants Know They Are Participating – You didn't beat your friend on the climb if you are the only one that knew it was a race.
- If A Rider Catches You…It Doesn't Mean They Want You To Ride Faster – Move to the side and let the rider by. Also see #3.
- Music While Riding Is Great…Unless You Are Oblivious – If you are going to wear earphones while riding, check around you constantly for other riders.
- Know Your Abilities – Don't get too far over your head.
- Just Because You Can't Ride It…Doesn't Mean Others Can't – Mountain biking should be a progression. Not all trails can be wide and groomed.
- You Have Zero Room To Bitch If You Didn't Work On The Trail – Try not to be a backseat driver to trail work.
- There Is No Cure For UGI – Upgradeitius is a serious disease for which there is no cure.
- Beware Of Rider Recommendations – The best bike for a friend may not be the best bike for you. Everyone thinks they are on the best mountain bike on the market.
- Don't Be "That Guy" – You know the one…the guy that brags about his time on local loops and doesn't ride anywhere else. Enjoy your ride…it isn't a contest.
- In Shape Does Not Equal Technical Ability – You are in shape…awesome…but that does not make you a better rider. It just makes you able to ride longer.
- Riding Keeps You Young – Yes…that guy that is twice your age will still drop you.
- No One Looks Good In Lycra…Especially Mountain Bikers – Bring a change of clothes…lycra is not "going out" wear.
- Mexican Food Is The Perfect After Ride Meal – Don't know why…it just is.
- Diversity Is A Good Thing – Different bikes, different styles, different personalities. It would be dreadfully boring if we were all the same.
- Any Holiday Is An Excuse To Ride – Why are we riding today? Because today ends in a y.
- Support Those That Support You – Support your local IMBA and local advocacy chapters. They do more than just work on trails.
- Online Superstars Type More Than Ride – Time worrying about online arguments is time you could spend on the bike.
- Riding Is The Best Therapy – Self explanatory…
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
My Roadbike Romance II
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
My Roadbike Romance
Monday, 9 May 2011
Wacycles Fun Ride 2011 - 15.05.2011
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
RTW 30.04.2011 - trees
*written last Saturday, this is in part, a lure for Koh to start RTW :)
On a half-day working Saturday, I would sway towards driving the car to work. Primarily it is because I don't like to ride under the hot sun on the way back in the afternoon. I tend to get a sharp headache on th left temple. Okay, so road bike is off my list then.
However, as I don't feel like walking in to the office from the parking lot (about 800m), I decided to RTW this morning.
Weird? Perhaps. But that's the feeling, and that's how I am now with RTW. I could do it whenever I feel so. Hopefully this would last for a long time.
On the way, the road is quiet with not so many vehicles on it. I take pleasure from my ride tremendously, more so with my eyes peeled out enjoying the view of big trees lining up the main road at Taman Rinting. Got a few snaps, but as always, they don't do much justice to the beauty as seen from my two eyes.
Also, I extended my off-saddle ride from yesterday's. This morning, I did it whenever there's opportunity to do so. Nice. Very nice.
Have a good, long, labour day weekend.
Ride safe, off- or on saddle.