akmal's bike park

akmal's bike park

Tuesday 3 May 2011

RTW 30.04.2011 - trees

*written last Saturday, this is in part, a lure for Koh to start RTW :)


On a half-day working Saturday, I would sway towards driving the car to work. Primarily it is because I don't like to ride under the hot sun on the way back in the afternoon. I tend to get a sharp headache on th left temple. Okay, so road bike is off my list then.



However, as I don't feel like walking in to the office from the parking lot (about 800m), I decided to RTW this morning.


Weird? Perhaps. But that's the feeling, and that's how I am now with RTW. I could do it whenever I feel so. Hopefully this would last for a long time.


On the way, the road is quiet with not so many vehicles on it. I take pleasure from my ride tremendously, more so with my eyes peeled out enjoying the view of big trees lining up the main road at Taman Rinting. Got a few snaps, but as always, they don't do much justice to the beauty as seen from my two eyes.


Also, I extended my off-saddle ride from yesterday's. This morning, I did it whenever there's opportunity to do so. Nice. Very nice.


Have a good, long, labour day weekend.

Ride safe, off- or on saddle.

Update: Koh did his first RTW on Monday, a replacement holiday for Labour Day.
Kudos, Koh! Way to go.
A few more photos in here.

1 comment:

koh said...

Thanks. it was refreshing and exciting. Now need to slowly plan for the real thing which is RTW Tanjung Langsat (my actual office location). A longer route and long gradual inclines await. Have to map it out and do some recce first. Also managed to rope in my colleague Billy to join me. Maybe after the mid may community ride in Plentong.