akmal's bike park

akmal's bike park

Friday 3 July 2009

RTW 03.07.09 - the shortcut via Kg. Baru Masai II

Went out at 0711 hours (again). Reached office at 0751 hours (yet again).


Stats today (to):

Ride time: 37m 14s

Dist: 12.93 km

Ave: 20.8 km/h

Max: 40.6 km/h

Odo: 2204.2 km

Good doggies: 3.


DSCN3790.JPGLate again, and riding mode is mixed. At times leisurely, and some short periods of power pedaling.


I’m bringing a camera along today, just to take the photo of those gorgeous rambutans - my excuse for using the kampung route.



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