Applied the riding permit from ministry of home affairs, and granted. Discussed with friends in KL and PG on transport and accommodation. A few nights dreaming about it, and finally on May 10th., I was there paying RM15 guest fee and took my rider number for the bash.
Kelolo suggested to meet up at an rv point and convoy together, as I don't know where exactly the place is. 0645 hours 10th. May, we met at Restoran Thaqwa in Sri Gombak. Kak Chik and Sufino were there too. It has been quite some time since we last met. Embraces exchanged (except with KC of course), and soon after we went off heading towards Batang Kali through Sri Gombak and Selayang.
When we arrived, there were many cars and riders all getting ready with their gears. The timing was quite good. Not too early, and not late either. I registered and took my rider number: 199. I really couldn't believe it that I'm finally there, ready to ride my first bash. Something that I have always wanted to do. Klmbh bike hash is in one of my riding wishlist. But this is not their usual bash. This is an epic. A long (torturous, maybe) offroad bash.
I have set up my riding objectives earlier. Quite simple, really:
- To ride with biking friends around KL
- To measure my riding ability
My usual offroad rides are 20 to 30 km. The bash's 6 checkpoints would need me to go 53 km in total. That's about twice my norm.
0800 hours and the bash hare Ying How delivered the briefing. I'm smiling inside, soaking the atmosphere. I don't know what's the turnout that morning, but I guess it's around 300.
Cyclemotion JB riders were there, too. I met Fadzlone, Neo, Sham Volvo, Sham Rudy, and a few others. Nice to see familiar faces in unfamiliar land. I looked around for faces I usually see online, and I saw a few.
Soon we were flagged off and there was I, among hundreds of riders. A few kilometers on road, and soon into the palm plantation. Somewhat familiar. Certain sections are like in Plentong. Cool... felt right at home.
Shahrul and I sprinted to the next CP.
I went on towards CP4 only after a few minutes resting. They say it's uphill most of the way, but shaded.
Bring it on! I love going uphill.
Yeah, right...
What's the reward after all the torturous climb? Downhill!
Too bad, the reward was too dear for me to take. Quite steep, and long downhill section. I decided to just pick up my bike and carry it down, behind Neo. Only at the second downhill section I enjoyed it fully. I thought to myself that it would be a shame not to take the reward. I went down without thinking, and man, how sweet it was! My right arm turned sore from the long braking. Suddenly I began to worry about my brake pads. Duh!!
Reached CP4 and saw the water station and boxes of bananas. It was already 1.30pm. I stopped for a few minutes to take in 2 bananas, some water and checked my rear brake pads. Still there. Good then.
Went on across the river on the bridge towards CP5. Alone. More uphill. A couple of guys I met at CP4 mentioned that it is more uphill towards CP4. I went ahead anyway. I wanted to see how I measure up to the challenge. After a few km along, I came to a junction where I was instructed to take the chicken loop. Apparently I exceeded the time limit.
- "Okay, so how far is home?"
- "About 20km."
- "Huh??" Aiyaahh...
I reached the tarmac where EG's car is parked at about 2.30pm. There Kadafi and EG were already waiting. No signs of Shahrul. Logged out at the restaurant, and get ready for lunch.
Good thing that the bash is held more than 2 marhalahs. I took the travellers privilege, decided to jama' ta'khir my solat.
Shahrul finally came out at about 4pm, finished all the CPs. He ordered this and that at the restaurant like shopping for food at bazar ramadhan. Exhausted and couldn't take in the food, his nasi goreng dada ayam with 2 helpings of cili potong boxed up to take home in the end.
As were we walking towards the car, a couple of guys I met at CP4 arrived, completed all the CPs. It was quite confusing for me. I left CP4 while they were resting. Along the trail up to the point where I was asked to take the CL, I know that they did not pass me. So I wonder how they were able to finish up the CPs. Never mind, I did about 47 km. And, if I were allowed to finish, it would be at about 4:30pm. Never could imagine the exhaustion.
Kadafi completed all the CPs in super fast time. EG and I completed only 4 CPs. Shahrul's mission to finish all the CPs accomplished. Collectively, we went back with high feeling. And exhausted.
Looking forward for my next klmbh bash. For now, I'm applying for the riding license for the bash in Kota Tinggi this Sunday.
Boleh la, sayang. Boleh eh...
My stats:- checkpoints completed: 4 (and a bit more)
- ride time: 4:00:08
- distance: 46.6 km
- avg spd: 11.6 km/h
- max spd: 36.6 km/h
- To test my bike's ability
- To test a certain riding apparel - more on this later
- To tackle terrains different from my usual ones. I'm happy to note that it increased my confidence, even not by a huge measure.
- Shahrul - with SC Blur
- BC Kelolo and wife - with Cik Puteh and Sang Bara
- Sufino - and his Power Bars
- Anis - 'jauhnya kau datang'. Heheh...
- Mr. Beskal - with his newly built Pyre
- Red - met him before during my new year ride foraying into Dream Trail
- Dino - though only after the ride is finished. Him enjoying mutton curry made me have some.
- Shaque - al-power.
- Friends from CM JB
- Man DHer.
Oh, and made a new friend too, while browsing in KSH TTDI - En. Malik of Pejabat Daerah Kulai Jaya. Offroad in Seri Alam someday, perhaps?
Special thanks:
- Kelolo and EG for the photos.
- Zul, Zaki and Alif for the apartment.
- Panjang for the bike carrier.
- EG for driving us to and fro KL.
more photos here:
akmal, baca post ko nih membuatkn aku rs klmbh 09 suatu kenangan syahdu plak.huhuhu..
I just happened on your blog when teaching a friend how to find 'KLMBH' on Google. I enjoyed reading your account on the Epic and I hope your trip to KL was worthwhile. I hope to see you next year on the 2010 Epic.
Ying How
(Epic Hare)
Shahrul: siut je... see you on the trails!
HYH: Thanks for stopping by. Well yes, Google put the link for this entry quite high rank for 'klmbh'. Should I get a complimentary klmbh membership?
Thanks very much to you and your team for that well managed epic. Truly was worthwhile for all of us.
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